‘Every challenge comes with a hidden opportunity and we can make the best out of a difficult situation using our wisdom.’

Amanpreet Kaur


The recent COVID – 19 pandemic has drastically altered just about every facet of our lives. Among other challenges, it has posed a serious threat to the education system. But with a carefully tailored online mode in teaching and learning, the education system has gone through a change that will have a lasting impact on the way the students are taught in the future.

Despite the serious consequences of the pandemic, the global crisis has been a remarkable time for learning. And, more importantly, we have realized how adaptable we and our educational system can be. During these trying times, technology has emerged as a life savior. There have been many hurdles yet each was joyfully tackled with a pleasant face by all of us.

The teachers have had to adapt their practices and be creative to keep the students engaged as every household has become a classroom. The school’s progressive online pedagogies have helped to ensure that there is no disruption in learning for students at any stage. In short, there has been a revolution of sorts in learning.

Socially distanced and stuck in homes, the teachers have to resort to virtual solutions to stay in touch with the students.  Class room studies with supplemental content in digital format have made learning more interesting and effective. Thus digital transformation has become the new norm. Digital technology has played a significant role in enabling teachers to teach students at a distance using tools that enable communication with the students. This is an ideal time to accept technology and its latest offering in order to make education delivery possible and meaningful.

Pandemic has been sudden and unexpected. And, gladly, we have been able to surmount the challenges it brought with it.  But, let us remember that technology can only foster humane and social goals. It cannot humanize them, and for a sense of community, interaction among the students in the real world is a pre-condition.

We long for the ‘BEFORE CORONA –times!‘