Rewards of being a true Yadavindrian!

School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside -Lan Watters

Yadavindra Public School, Patiala remains true to its crest, embodying the very core of valour and humility through its quest for knowledge. Established by His Highness  Maharajadhiraj Yadavindra Singh in 1948, it has now metamorphosed itself into a co-ed school reputed across the nation. The legacy of this institution has formed a great tapestry of heritage, with each student as a thread weaved into it.

Being known for nurturing brilliant sportspersons, artists, debaters and many other productive members of society, YPS is a school that has something for all individuals and their innately unique selves; helping their students develop their skill sets to perfection. It is impossible to feel like an outsider in the close knit family that is YPS Patiala. The School caters to each and every student with the utmost care and compassion; allowing them to be free of their inhibitions in a supportive learning environment. It supports the children in their pursuit to be their best selves.

The constant exposure ensures that the students can face real life situations head on; with extra curricular activities such as debates and MUNs, allowing them to learn effective ways of carrying a discourse.The teachers guide the students in a way that isn’t overbearing and allow them to keep their autonomy; encouraging them to formulate opinions and ideas on their own without fear of judgement or criticism. The mark of a good educator is to eradicate the fear of failure within young pupils, enthralling them with the possibilities of experimenting with the unknown; which is a quality every teacher in Yadavindra Public School possesses.I can vouchsafe this strongly due to my personal experience.

The alumni of this institute reminisce fondly about the past, cherishing every memory like precious gold. This school is truly a home away from home, filled to the brim with the laughter of the citizens of the coming generation.

Today, if I am recognized as an all rounder who cherishes Fine Arts ,studies Science and wins laurels for my school in Debating and simply loves outdoor activities, I owe it all to YPS.

By Pavit Panag (Grade XI)