‘Your greatness lies not in what you have but in what you give’. 

This statement is just one amongst the multitudes of popular sayings leading us to forgo self-centeredness and it has been consciously drilled into us since our childhood. Care, Compassion and Empathy for the community are small gestures but go a long way in bringing out our humane side, especially, in trying times, such as the one we are currently struggling with. Philanthropy is not just about giving money in charity. It is the ‘feeling’ of sadness which grips our hearts on seeing others in pain or distress. This feeling does not get brushed aside without blooming into a willingness to contribute and help others.

Leading by example, Yadavindra Public School, Patiala has always contributed towards community welfare and earnestly worked towards uplifting the under privileged sections of the society. Even in today’s testing times, when the whole world is hit by the Corona virus pandemic, YPS team has endeavoured towards mitigating the devastating effects on the most vulnerable ones. 

All this was triggered with just the sharing of a message on the official messaging group of YPS. A few lines were enough to ignite the spark amongst all. The next moment, the whole YPS fraternity was willing to donate a share of their salaries towards the Chief Minister Relief Fund- COVID 19. Again, it was not about money but an attempt to carry forward the tradition of benevolence richly invested in the 70 year legacy of this great institution. YPS Patiala focuses not just on producing  the best doctors, engineers, sportspersons, bureaucrats, but sets an example on how to react in the challenging situations of life and of course, never to shy from giving back to the society. 

Realising the civic duty, the Management of Yadavindra Public School, Patiala recently donated 550 PPE kits, 300 N95 masks and 300 face shields to the Patiala district’s nominated COVID Hospital. The Chairman, Raja Malvinder Singh, himself presented these kits and masks to the Medical Superintendent. Rajindra Hospital in the presence of the Deputy Commissioner of Patiala and Chief Medical Officer, Patiala. 

We, Yadavindrians are forever fervent towards supporting and reinforcing the community and the government. Living up to its motto-“Wisdom, Humility and Valour”- the core idea is to empower students to become exemplary human beings who are always ready to serve the country ardently. 

Whilst there are scores of old Yadavindrians fighting the pandemic as front line warriors, our young children too are keeping pace with the changing times. They have diligently adapted to online learning and even the tiniest tots enthusiastically participated in the recently organised Government of Punjab’s ‘Ambassadors of Hope’ online campaign.