“YPS Patiala lends international dimensions to its curriculum to create  an inclusive educational community of global citizens, determined to build bridges between cultures.”

@ Sangita Malik

YPS works closely with YFU  India and AFS Intercultural Programs India , an international, voluntary, non-government, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help students develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world.

We work in the following ways:

  • Conduct Reciprocal Exchange Programmes to provide intercultural learning opportunities & develop global competencies at an international platform with other countries and at domestic platform with regional schools across India .The two recent ones with Lycee Clos Maire, Beaune, France and Sunbeam School, Varanasi have been successful in strengthening our bonds.
  •  Imbedding Internationalism in curriculum and expanding intercultural education.
  •  Intercultural Training to teachers and students for empowering them with           competencies they require for a globalized world and to create such sensitivity in their students .
  • Hosting International students and faculty.
  • Offer Study Programmes Abroad that allow students to study and immerse in a new culture overseas, for 1 to 2 months.
  • Visit and Interactions with faculty in Foreign  League Colleges & Universities.
  • International Educational Tours.
  • Teaching  French & Mandarin as  part of the school curriculum.
  • Participation in MUNs and International Round Square Conferences.

Exchange and Study Abroad Program offers;

  • Studying in a New Cultural Setting – YPS students get to live in a new cultural setting different from theirs. It helps them increase their cultural understanding and awareness about other cultures.
  • Improved future prospects – Exchange program helps in gaining skills and competencies needed to get a job in a multicultural environment.
  • Another Home and Friends in a new and different country – The students and the host families have a life-long relationship with new family and friends.  Students who have been abroad are still in touch with their families and visit them regularly.
  • Prestigious certificate – The prestigious certificate helps in making the student’s profile for college more strong and acceptable. It improves CV and establishes a unique candidature.
  • Experiential Learning – The program urges participants to learn by experiencing. There are things which can’t be learnt by being in a classroom. YPS provides opportunities to the students to be outside the comfort zone and learn by doing.
  • Gain Life Skills and Competencies. It is important to highlight that these like skills are the actual skills required for a promising career

If we foresee a ‘true’ Yadavindrian to be one with a holistic personality and a global worldview then Internationalism indeed plays a major role in leapfrogging towards that aim.